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Check here often for upcoming events and happenings!
Sunday Brunch & Sunday Supper
Stay tuned. We'll soon be opening Sundays for Brunch and Supper!
We're so pleased to announce that due to feedback from all the friends of The Bookstore Speakeasy, we will soon be offering Sunday Brunch every Sunday as well as Sunday Supper.
Sunday Supper will feature a day-of Chef selected menu based upon the season's best offerings.
It's so secret, even we won't know until the day of!
Soon We'll Be Offering Delivery!
Starting in mid-March, we'll be offering delivery of some of your favorite menu items.
Now you'll be able to enjoy The Bookstore experience at home!
To place an order just visit us at our delivery page under "Food" on the menu bar or click view more below. You'll be enjoying fresh, hot, Bookstore specialties before you know it!
"The 19 Best Undiscovered Cocktail Bars in America"
We were honored to be recognized by Men's Journal magazine as the #7 Best Undiscovered Cocktail Bar in America!
Our superstars in front of and behind the bar work tirelessly for all of our patrons and it's fantastic to have their hard work recognized!